PyOpenGL is no longer used at all (no offense to Mike Fletcher and his loyal followers). After it was suggested last week, I'm now including a (stripped-down) version of Pyglet, which provides a ctypes-only OpenGL wrapper, in addition to excellent windowing, keyboard, and mouse support. Pyglet's event model is also compatible with the multi-threaded interface I described last week. That means you can now do this:
>>> from sympy import Symbol
>>> from sympy.modules.plotting import Plot
>>> x,y = Symbol('x'),Symbol('y')
>>> p = Plot(width=300, height=250, bbox=True)
>>> p[1] = x**2-y**2, [x,-1,1], [y,-1,1]
>>> p[1] = x**2+y**2, [x,-1.0,1.0], [y,-1.0,1.0]
>>> p[2] = -x**2-y**2, [x,-1.0,1.0], [y,-1.0,1.0]
>>> print pAlso new:
[1]: x**2+y**2, [x,-1.0,1.0], [y,-1.0,1.0]
[2]: -x**2-y**2, [x,-1.0,1.0], [y,-1.0,1.0]
- Rotation mechanism based on a virtual trackball.
- Scroll-wheel zoom.
- Holding the shift key allows more precise movement.
- Smooth time-based keyboard movement.
- Added arrow and page up/down key control (ASDWRF is still there).
- X,Y, and Z-blended coloring scheme.
- Configurable coloring.
- Labeled coordinate axes.
- Translation in the plane of the screen.
- Automatic intervals.
- Intuitive 2d support, including dynamic intervals.
- Display lists (maybe faster for higher-resolution rendering, we'll see).
- Anti-aliasing.
I have no imagination for functions to test and/or demo, as you can see from my repeated use of ellipsoids, saddles, and trig functions. Any suggestions, and in particular real-world examples, would be appreciated! ;-)
I was saddened to find that it no longer works in my virtual machine. I always get "ContextException: No conforming visual exists" :(
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